Treating breast tumors alongside distant metastases did not improve outcomes in women with stage IV breast cancer, according to a new study.
A novel combination treatment approach extended survival in mice with pancreatic cancer, demonstrating a potential second-line therapy for patients.
A novel gene therapy promoted transfusion independence in more than 90 percent of adult and pediatric patients with transfusion-dependent beta-thalassemia, according to a recent clinical trial published in The New England Journal of Medicine.
A genetic mutation changing just one base pair of nucleotides greatly increases risk of a lethal subtype of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia, according to a recent study.
Neural stem cells engineered by Northwestern Medicine investigators used in combination with the HER2 inhibitor drug tucatinib improved survival in mice with HER2 positive breast cancer brain metastases.
Northwestern scientists have developed a new tool to harness immune cells from tumors to fight cancer rapidly and effectively.
A new therapy showed improvements over the standard treatment for relapsed B-cell lymphoma, according to a recent study.
A new study has identified naturally occurring nano-sized particles that can block infection from broad strains of SARS-CoV-2 virus in preclinical studies.
A Northwestern Medicine study has found that a new combination immune therapy treatment not only extended cancer patients’ lives better than other treatments, it also was less toxic to their overall health than other drugs on the market.
Jane Winter, MD, a highly regarded lymphoma expert, will serve as president of the American Society of Hematology for a year-long term through December 2022.