Category: Uncategorized

  • Students Advance Careers as Physician-Scientists

    Students Receive Research Funding to Advance Careers as Physician-Scientists Two Feinberg School medical students have received funding for one year of full-time biomedical research from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) to support their early careers as physician-scientists. Second-year student Carson Lam and third-year student Sarina Pasricha will each receive a $27,000 stipend, a $5,500[…]

  • Teen Philanthropist Supports Research to Help Others

    Teen Philanthropist Supports Research to Help Others Until recently, Noah Perkins had never heard of Dr. Jack Kessler. Nor was he familiar with Dr. Kessler’s pioneering work with stem cells or spinal cord injuries. That changed when he saw Terra Incognita, a documentary film that features Dr. Kessler and his daughter, Allison, as part of[…]

  • $6.5 Million NIH Grant Funds New Approach to Infertility Research

    $6.5 Million NIH Grant Funds New Approach to Infertility Research What causes a woman’s eggs to deteriorate in quality with age, and can that be reversed? How does the ovary choose an egg—out of a stash of roughly one million—to release for ovulation? And can the ovary be influenced to pick a “good” quality egg[…]

  • Dr. Garofalo Leads NIH-funded, Family-based HIV Prevention Study

    Dr. Garofalo Leads NIH-funded, Family-based HIV Prevention Study Is it time for HIV prevention programs for young men who have sex with men to involve families and parents—similar to approaches used for other adolescent/young adult populations? This is the question asked by a team of investigators at Children’s Memorial Hospital, Howard Brown Health Center, and[…]

  • News regarding NU and ENH affiliation

    FAQsFrequently Asked Questions General Faculty Students Residents Alumni Patients Dean Jameson’s letter to the Feinberg School of Medicine Community Dean Jameson’s letter to the Feinberg School of Medicine Community June 16, 2008 Dear Colleague: As a valued member of our medical school community, you are receiving this memo in advance of a public announcement that[…]

  • Honors & Appointments

    Honors & Appointments

    A list of honors, awards, and faculty appointments from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

  • Breakthrough Program in PT and Engineering Offered

    A Breakthrough Dual Degree Program from the Feinberg School of Medicine and the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science How can healthcare give back what disease, injury, or disorder has taken away? How can we better compensate for the loss of function following stroke, trauma, or complications related to degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease[…]

  • HAPO Study Reveals Maternal Hyperglycemia Associated with Pregnancy Complications

    HAPO Study Reveals Maternal Hyperglycemia Associated with Pregnancy Complications Feinberg School Researchers at the Helm of International Study Feinberg School of Medicine researchers have played a lead role in an international study that shows an association between maternal hyperglycemia and the risk of pregnancy complications. Boyd Metzger, MD, the Tom D. Spies Professor of Metabolism[…]

  • Science Club Teaches Kids About Genetics

    Science Club Teaches Kids About Genetics Feinberg School staff and Science Club volunteers (front row from left) Susan Hammond, Mike Kennedy, Miranda Bernhardt, Julia Jackson Mackenzie, (third row left) Carolyn Jahn, and (third row right) Lauren Strelec. Swarms of children bustled with excitement at the Boys and Girls Club of America in the Uptown neighborhood[…]

  • Making National News

    Making National News

    Faculty members at the Feinberg School of Medicine frequently are quoted or featured in national and/or international news stories.