November 14, 2006 Contact: Marla Paul at (312) 503-8928 or Drug Treats ‘Water Intoxication’ Faster, More Effectively CHICAGO—Results of the two largest studies on hyponatremia, SALT-1 and SALT-2, presented November 14 at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions in Chicago, found that the investigational drug tolvaptan treated hyponatremia—water intoxication—faster and more effectively than available[…]
Pilates Offers Path for Physical Therapist Physical therapist Sharon Gawin works with a patient in one of her two studios where she uses the Pilates method of exercise for rehabilitation. For Sharon L. Gawin, MPT ’96, a desire to spend more one-on-one time with her patients and the discovery of the Pilates method of exercise[…]
October 31, 2006Contact: Marla Paul at 312/503-8928 or Landmark Study to Assess Hispanic Risk Factors, Health Needs in Chicago Area CHICAGO—Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine is the recipient of a $9.6 million dollar, 6½-year contract from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to participate in the largest study of health and disease in[…]
A list of honors, awards, and faculty appointments from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Fitness Pioneer Remains Active Medical school alumnus and fitness researcher Dr. Ralph Paffenbarger remains involved in the College Alumni Health Study he began in 1960. Today few people question the health benefits of regular physical activity, but there was a time when this sentiment wasn’t entirely embraced by physicians and other health care professionals let[…]
October 31 Contact: Pat Vaughan Tremmel at 847-491-4892 Adults Who Go To Bed Lonely Get Stress Hormone Boost Next Morning Dr. Emma K. Adam EVANSTON, Ill.—A new study that takes a rare look at the physiological, social, and emotional dynamics of day-to-day experiences in real-life settings shows that when older adults go to bed[…]
New Students Welcomed at Founders’ Day Before a full house at Thorne Auditorium, Dean Lewis Landsberg, MD, welcomed the Feinberg School’s newest students—the 174 members of the Class of 2010—during the Founders’ Day Convocation on August 25. “We are delighted and thrilled that you have decided to enter the profession of medicine at Northwestern University’s[…]
August 22, 2006 Study Explores Congenital Limb, Heart Malformations CHICAGO—New research published in the August issue of the Journal of Cell Biology explains for the first time why congenital heart defects so often occur with limb deformities. In their research into the molecular mechanisms that control embryonic limb and heart development, Northwestern University researcher Hans-Georg[…]
August 7, 2006 Contact: Charles R. Loebbaka at 847/491-4887 or Study Warns of Looming Crisis in Cook County Health System Kevin Weiss, MD [video: Dr. Kevin Weiss discusses the current issues facing the Cook County Healthcare System] CHICAGO—The Cook County health care system is facing a crisis that will require a comprehensive effort to[…]
August 16, 2006 Contact: Megan Fellman at (847) 491-3115 or Northwestern Receives Gates Grant for Medical Diagnostics David Kelso, PhD EVANSTON, Ill.—Northwestern University has received a four-year, $4.9 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop and produce affordable diagnostic devices for infectious diseases plaguing developing countries. The grant is part[…]