Time spent on smartphones and GPS location sensor data can help detect depression, according to new Northwestern Medicine research.
A study showed that an investigational drug, idarucizumab, reverses the anticoagulant effect of dabigatran, a blood thinning drug used for the prevention of stroke. This is the first test of this reversal agent in patients with bleeding or need for emergent surgery.
Feinberg faculty have received a National Institutes of Health grant to develop a statistical framework for correcting measurement errors associated with self-reported diet assessment.
Northwestern Medicine investigators published the results of a clinical trial showing that a new psoriasis drug called guselkumab has greater efficacy than the current standard of care.
Emergency room visits and hospitalizations for severe allergic reactions climbed 29 percent per year over 5 years, according to a new Northwestern Medicine study.
Scientists from Feinberg and the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago developed a bionic leg that uses electromyographic (EMG) signaling to give patients with above-knee amputations better control over movement than current prosthetics.
By examining how loss of lung function between young adulthood and middle age associated with changes in the heart, Northwestern Medicine scientists identified two heart-lung phenotypes that may form the basis for diseases that develop later in life.
The impossible is possible when cancer survivors are monitored by medical professionals who know their specialized needs.
Despite previous findings suggesting a link between soy intake and decreased asthma severity, a new Northwestern Medicine study shows that soy supplements do not improve lung function for patients with asthma.
Northwestern Medicine physicians and the non-profit organization Operation Walk Chicago, are providing disaster relief to Nepal Orthopedic Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, in the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes.