An inflammatory signaling protein called interleukin-6 has been linked to the progression of acute myeloid leukemia, representing a potential target for future treatments of the disease.
A device attached to a patient’s scalp that delivers a continuous dose of low-intensity electric fields improves survival and slows the growth of a deadly brain tumor, according to a new trial.
Scientists, students and trainees from dozens of departments gathered recently for the inaugural Stem Cells and Regenerative Biology Research Retreat.
Donald Lloyd-Jones, MD, ScM, senior associate dean for clinical and translational research and chair of Preventive Medicine, has been named Physician of the Year by the American Heart Association.
A new study has demonstrated how a specific class of immune cells represent a previously unknown link between high cholesterol and the development of symptoms characteristic of psoriasis.
A new Northwestern Medicine study, published in Genes and Development, has identified two DNA elements crucial to the activation of a set of genes that drive the early development of embryos.
Recordings of neurons in a little-studied part of the brain associated with memory show an unexpected increase in activity in older brains, a finding that may suggest a new target for therapies to combat memory loss.
After nearly 15 years of leadership, M. Christine Stock, ’81 MD, James E. Eckenhoff Professor and Chair of Anesthesiology, has stepped down as chair of the department.
Carol A. Rosenberg, ’80 MD, has more than three decades’ experience as an internist, clinical researcher and medical educator, but it was an unexpected medical crisis within her own family that profoundly changed the course of her career.