During three recent events, Feinberg faculty led discussions about life with AIDS, medicine as depicted by Shakespeare and sex differences surrounding stroke risk.
In the first study to objectively examine patient estimation of surgical risk, Northwestern Medicine scientists demonstrated that overestimation is associated with preoperative anxiety and delayed surgical procedures.
In a recent Northwestern Medicine exploratory study, genetics experts considered incorporating whole genome sequencing into traditional newborn screening, revealing varying opinions about handling the future of genomics.
A Northwestern Medicine study shows that lysosome dysfunction caused by a genetic mutation in patients with a rare Parkinson’s-like disorder leads to neurodegeneration, a finding that may link to common forms of the disease.
Northwestern Medicine scientists have received a $1.6 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to investigate the biological reasons that a quarter of all people with whiplash injury from motor vehicle collisions fail to fully recover in the long-term.
A new Northwestern Medicine study found that testosterone replacement in the United States is more than twice as common among HIV-infected men than the general population.
Northwestern Medicine scientists have found several molecularly distinct subtypes of dopamine neurons – important nerve cells associated with many diverse behaviors and diseases.
At three recent lectures, investigators shared research on 3-D printable biomaterials, a Latin dance program for older Latinos and the environmental causes of disease.
A Northwestern Medicine study unearthed the mechanisms behind arsenic’s anti-cancer effects to show how the chemical compound could combat multiple types of leukemia.
Eight departments at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine rank in the top 10 in their discipline in a list of National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding to medical schools, with an additional three departments in the top 20.