July 8, 2003 Immune System Genes Stave Off HIV Infection CHICAGO— Researchers have new answers as to why some HIV-infected individuals don’t progress to full-blown AIDS as rapidly as other HIV-positive people. Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine scientist Steven M. Wolinsky, MD, and colleagues found that individuals with certain rare variations, or alleles, of[…]
July 8, 2003 Stem Cell Therapy Doesn’t Improve Cancer Outcome CHICAGO— Adding high-dose chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation to conventional chemotherapy offers little benefit for women with primary breast cancer who are at high risk for recurrence, finds a study reported in the July 3 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine. Moreover, toxicities[…]
July 29, 2003 ‘Suicide’ Enzymes May Be Missing Alzheimer’s Link CHICAGO— Feinberg School of Medicine researchers have found that caspases, a family of protein-cutting enzymes involved in programmed cell death (apoptosis), may be a missing link in the chain of molecular events leading to Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative condition affecting an estimated[…]
Honors Program Selects Students for Entering Class Northwestern University’s baccalaureate/MD degree program, in which students complete three years of undergraduate work on the Evanston campus before entering the Feinberg School, has completed the admissions process for next fall’s entering class. A total of 509 applicants (up from 398 in 2002) vied for 45 available positions.[…]
Northwestern Welcomes New Residents and Fellows At the McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, 250 new residents were welcomed during orientation sessions held at the member hospitals. On June 16, 28 residents began programs (pediatrics, pediatric neurology, and child and adolescent psychiatry) at Children’s Memorial Hospital (CMH), located in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago.[…]
Five Departments Make NIH Top 20 List Five departments at the Feinberg School have been ranked among the top 20 by the National Institutes of Health for total NIH funding in 2002. The Department of Urology, chaired by Anthony J. Schaeffer, MD, Herman L. Kretschmer Professor of Urology, was ranked third among U.S. urology departments,[…]
June 11, 2003 ‘Lost’ Protein Key To Prostate Treatment? CHICAGO— Northwestern University researchers have found that a protein normally made in the body is critical for normal prostate growth regulation because mice that lack this protein develop an enlarged prostate. The excessive prostate growth in these animals resembles the human disease benign prostatic hyperplasia. In[…]
Feinberg School Leads Research Funding at NU In 2002 the Feinberg School of Medicine received $158,026,695 in research awards, more than any other Northwestern school. Medical school awards accounted for more than 48 percent of overall awards to the University, which totaled $324,507,137. This is the first time in University history that research volume has[…]
June 12, 2003 Contact: Pat Vaughan Tremmel at 847/491-4892 or atp-tremmel@northwestern.edu Study on Differences in Female, Male Sexuality EVANSTON, ILL.— Three decades of research on men’s sexual arousal show patterns that clearly track sexual orientation—gay men overwhelmingly become sexually aroused by images of men and heterosexual men by images of women. In other words, men’s[…]