New Feinberg School Web Site Launched
The much-anticipated redesigned Feinberg School Web site was officially launched November 15. The site offers a new look for the home page and second-level pages, improved search capability and navigation, and more content. Templates for third-level (department) pages also have been developed.
The new home page offers links for the three mission areas and groups information by audience (faculty and staff, students and residents, alumni, and patients). An admissions button should help prospective students find information quickly.
An important addition is a directory containing faculty research and clinical interests as well as links to scientific publications. At the time of the site launch, approximately 1,300 full-time faculty members received instructions on how to edit their profile. The faculty directory will help researchers inside and outside Northwestern find colleagues with similar interests and assist patients looking for physicians with specific clinical expertise.
In September 2001, following a Web strategic planning process with Greystone, Inc. of Atlanta, the Feinberg School’s Web Team began working with the Office of Web Communications on the Evanston campus on the redesign. Recognizing that the new Feinberg site is a work in progress, its developers are anxious to hear visitors’ reactions and suggestions for improvement. Comments may be sent by e-mail to .