Top 5 Breakthroughs Podcasts of 2020


Of the more than 20 episodes of the medical school’s Breakthroughs podcast produced in 2020, the most popular featured Northwestern Medicine experts discussing COVID-19 research and sharing knowledge related to the pandemic. Listen to the top five episodes of the year and earn Continuing Medical Education credit.

5. At-Home Care for COVID-19 Patients with Jeffrey Linder, MD, MPH

Millions of people are now living with COVID-19 and their long-term outcomes are unknown. Jeffrey Linder, MD, the Michael A. Gertz Professor of Medicine and chief of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics in the Department of Medicine, says more research studies on this group are needed to provide better information about COVID-19 care before, during and beyond the hospital.

4. Staying Positive During Social Isolation with Judith Moskowitz, PhD, MPH

Judith Moskowitz, PhD, MPH, professor of Medical Social Sciences, is a social psychologist who studies the impact of positive emotion on health-related and other life stress. She discusses her research and things you can do to increase positivity during the pandemic and social isolation.

3. COVID-19 Antibody Testing with Elizabeth McNally, MD, PhD

A team of Northwestern scientists came together from across disciplines to develop a COVID-19 antibody test designed for at-home use. Elizabeth McNally, MD, PhD, the Elizabeth J. Ward Professor of Genetic Medicine and director of the Center for Genetic Medicine, is part of the team working on this ongoing study to determine prior exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, with the ultimate goal of learning whether the antibodies protect people against re-infection.

2. Investigating the New Coronavirus with Karla Satchell, PhD

When the outbreak of a novel coronavirus in China was making headlines around the world, Karla Satchell, PhD, professor of Microbiology-Immunology, was leading an investigation of the structure biology of the components of the virus to ultimately understand how to stop it from replicating in human cells through a medication or vaccine. Satchell leads the Center for Structural Genomics of Infectious Diseases at Northwestern, which is funded by the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases. You can listen to an update on this episode here.

1. COVID-19: An Update on the Current Situation with Michael Ison, MD, MS

In this episode we share a Northwestern Medical Grand Rounds presentation given at Northwestern Medicine on March 17, 2020 by Michael Ison, MD, professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases and of Surgery in the Division of Transplant Surgery. Ison details the virology and epidemiology of the virus, predictors of patient outcomes as well as strategies to manage patients with the infection and to prevent infection in the first place. You can hear an additional episode with Ison on his influenza and COVID-19 research here.

Breakthroughs is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.