More than 30 students and faculty members received awards for their academic achievements and teaching at the Third Annual Honors Day, held on May 15.
“I’ve had a wonderful experience at Feinberg, incredible friends and amazing mentors,” said Liza Cohen, ’15 MD. “Honors Day brings the medical school community together to recognize everyone’s hard work.”
Cohen received the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Chairman’s Award and Lee M. Jampol, MD Award and will be completing her residency in ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School.
Welcoming students, faculty and guests, Eric G. Neilson, MD, vice president for medical affairs and Lewis Landsberg Dean, said, “Honors Day is a way for the school to recognize both teaching and accomplishments by our fourth-year students.”
Diane B. Wayne, ’91 MD, vice dean for Education, said, “As an alumna and faculty member, I’d like to take a moment to say how wonderful it is that I’ve had the privilege to teach these students,” she said. “We thank you for everything you’ve contributed and wish you all the best in your residencies.”
Student body president and rising third-year medical student Brianna Knoll introduced the Harry N. Beaty Honors Day Speaker, Eugene Silinsky, PhD, professor in Pharmacology. He was chosen by all four medical school classes to give the keynote address.

Silinsky shared with the Class of 2015 his gratitude towards them, thanked them for their suggestions and feedback on lectures, and congratulated them on their accomplishments. He advised graduates to appreciate the joys of teaching and not forget about friends and family and not to neglect their own health.
“I have great confidence in all of you that you will be scholarly in your field of specialization and take care of your patients,” he said. “But I will ask you not to forget your spouses, significant others, friends and family, they can help sustain you through the bad times and be there to share the good times.”
Riti Mahadevia, ’14 MD, received the Fourth-year Medical Student Radiology Award for her performance in her radiology clerkship; she will be completing her residency in diagnostic radiology at Thomas Jefferson University.
“It is an incredible honor to receive this award and it wouldn’t have been possible without the help from my mentors and peers along the way,” Mahadevia said. “The last four years have been so inspiring and I will try to follow in the footsteps of the outstanding faculty at Feinberg.”
The Medical Alumni Association Board of Directors awarded Paul Devlin, ’15 MD, with the Kenneth M. Viste, Jr., MD’66 Student Service Recognition Award, for outstanding service and contribution to Feinberg. He will start his residency at Northwestern McGaw in integrated thoracic surgery.
“It is a great honor to be recognized. I am looking forward to continuing my education at Feinberg as a resident and being a part of the Alumni Association and giving back to the community,” Devlin said.

Honors were handed out to faculty and staff throughout the ceremony. Recipients included:
- George H. Joost Outstanding Teaching Awards, R. Kannan Mutharasan, MD, assistant professor in Medicine-Cardiology, and Eugene Silinsky, PhD,professor in Pharmacology, for outstanding teaching in a large group setting.
- M3/M4 Clinical Teaching Award, Robert Hirschtick, MD, associate professor inMedicine-General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, for excellence in the clinical teaching of medical students.
- Michael M. Ravitch Award, Rishi Agrawal, MD/PhD, assistant professor inPediatrics-Hospital-Based Medicine, for his outstanding teaching in a small-group setting.
- American Academy of Neurology Medical Student Prize for Excellence, Ashley Aaroe, ’15 MD, for excellence in knowledge, clinical skills and professionalism during the neurology clerkship.
- American College of Physician’s Award, Annsa Huang, ’15 MD, for outstanding performance in the junior medicine clerkship
- Department of Medicine Chairman’s Award, Andrew Karaba, ’13 PhD, ’15 MD, and Laura Sena, ’13 PhD, ’15 MD, for outstanding senior students going into medicine.
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Beatrice Tucker Award, Adina Goldberger, ’15 MD, for outstanding commitment, service and advocacy toward improving women’s health.
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Chairman’s Award, Robin Skory, ’14 PhD, ’15 MD outstanding performance in the M3 obstetrics and gynecology clerkship.
- Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Chairman’s Award, Liza Cohen, ’15 MD, for outstanding performance during the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation medical student clerkship rotation
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science Medical Student Chairman’s Award, Marguerite Huff, ’15 MD, for being the most outstanding student in psychiatry.
- Edward A. Brunner Medical Student Award in Anesthesiology, Amanda Knutson, PhD, ’15 MD, for the highest level of academic excellence demonstrated by a senior who has chosen to pursue a career in anesthesiology.
- Eugene Bauer, MD Award for Excellence in Dermatology, Cristina Thomas, ’15 MD, for outstanding overall performance in dermatology by a 4th-year medical student pursuing a career in dermatology.
- Fourth-year Medical Student Radiology Award, Riti Mahadevia, ’15 MD, for having the best overall performance in radiology as a fourth-year medical student pursuing a career in radiology.
- Gayle E. Woloschak Medical Student Award for Excellence in Radiation Oncology, Ye Yuan, ’14 PhD, ‘15 MD, for excellence in radiation oncology.
- Harold J. Pelzer Award, Hannan Qureshi, ’15 MD, for excellence and future as an otolaryngology resident.
- James A. Stockman III Award for Excellence in Pediatrics and Child Health, Kristen Unti, ’15 MD, for outstanding performance in the pediatric clerkships and passion for advancing the care of children through advocacy, education and research.
- John P. Phair Award, Andrew Karaba, ’13 PhD, ’15 MD, for excellence in the infectious disease rotation in both the intellectual and human sides of medicine.
- Julius Conn Jr., MD, Award, Annsa Huang, ’15 MD, for outstanding performance in the surgery clerkship.
- Lee M. Jampol, MD Award, Liza Cohen, ’15 MD, and Michael Heiferman, ’15 MD, for outstanding achievement in ophthalmology in clinical care and vision science research.
- Martin Lipsky Award for Excellence in Family Medicine, Teresa Gomez, ’15 MD, for a senior entering a family medicine residency who most exemplifies the characteristics of altruism, compassion and intellectual curiosity.
- Pathology Elective Excellence Award, Hannah Recht, ’15 MD, for excellent effort and learning on the Pathology elective rotation.
- Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Excellence in Emergency Medicine Award, Paul Jansson, ’13 MS, ’15 MD, for the most outstanding student in emergency medicine.
- Frederick and Harriett Stenn Fund for Humanism in Medicine, Sonja Skljarevski, ’15 MD, for demonstration of humanism and compassion in the practice of medicine.
- Neil Stone Award for Professionalism and Compassion in Medicine, Kathryn Fay, ’15 MD, for commitment to professionalism and compassion in medicine.
- Kenneth M. Viste, Jr., MD’66 Student Service Recognition Award, Paul Devlin, ’15 MD, for outstanding service and contribution to Feinberg School of Medicine.
- John Philip Reder Award, Hannan Qureshi, ’15 MD, for the Honors Program Medical Education Graduate who demonstrated outstanding leadership and extracurricular accomplishments with exceptional involvement in In Vivo.
- Phi Rho Sigma Dennis Award, for outstanding performance in a junior year clerkship:
- Bayard Carlson, ’15 MD
- Annsa Huang, ’15 MD
- J. Minjy Kang, ’15 MD
- Andrew Karaba, ’13 PhD, ’15 MD
- Benjamin Kester, ’15 MD
- Joshua Lee, ’15 MD
- Timothy Maher, ’15 MD
- Megan McClean, ’15 MD
- Hannah Recht, ’15 MD
- Laura Sena, ’13 PhD, ’15 MD
- Kristen Unti, ’15 MD
- Mahesh Vidula, ’15 MD
- Anne Reihman ’15 MD
- Hannan Qureshi ’15 MD