More than 150 students accepted into the Class of 2019 visited Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine March 26-27, to learn about the school’s curriculum and engage with faculty and current students before making their final decision about where to attend medical school.
The annual Second Look event is hosted by the Office of Admissions.
Warren Wallace, MD, associate dean for Admissions, welcomed attendees and introduced Diane Wayne, ’91 MD, vice dean of Education on Thursday afternoon.
“Northwestern is a place that really cares about its students,” said Dr. Wayne. “We have an innovative curriculum, we have really fabulous dedicated teachers.” What Feinberg does best, Dr. Wayne told the attendees, is train students to become doctors of the highest caliber, who excel in their chosen specialty, and work exceptionally hard.
Participants returned Friday morning for a series of talks and active learning demonstrations to give them a taste of the group learning that is typical of the curriculum at Feinberg. The afternoon included tours of campus and affiliate hospitals, and breakout sessions about opportunities available to medical students including global health and student research.
“I love the location of the Chicago campus and the medical school’s facilities,” said Berkley Davis, graduating from the U.S. Air Force Academy. “The tour of the simulation lab was my favorite part of Second Look. We saw a demonstration of a simulated laparoscopic surgery and then had the opportunity to practice one.”
The day ended with an activity fair showcasing more than 30 different student groups.
Katherine Sumarriva, graduating from Vanderbilt University, said she enjoyed learning more about the MD/MPH program at Feinberg.
“I’m interested in coming to Feinberg because it’s the only school I’ve seen that has a joint public health and medical degree program that can be completed in four years,” she said. “Meeting currents students has been amazing and the campus is beautiful.”