Stimulating one part of the brain’s memory center with electromagnetic pulses improved the memory of older adults with age-related memory loss, according to a recent study.
A recent study revealed how sensory processing centers communicate with one another within brain, with implications for neurodegenerative disease.
Research from the landmark NASA Twins Study, led by Northwestern scientists, has found that extended spaceflight affects the human gut microbiome.
Reduced blood capillaries in the back of the eye may be a new, noninvasive way to diagnose early cognitive impairment, a precursor to Alzheimer’s disease.
An experimental treatment originally intended to help patients recover from stroke may have beneficial effects for Alzheimer’s disease, according to a recent study.
Interruptions in circadian rhythm protected against damage in a model of Huntington’s disease, suggesting an unexpected neuroprotective effect for mild stress to the brain from irregular patterns of sleep.
Northwestern Medicine scientists have mapped a brain circuit that sends information from the hippocampus and thalamus to the retrosplenial cortex, an area of the brain involved in memory formation.
Gentle noise stimulation synchronized with an individual’s brainwaves boosted cardiovascular health, according to a recent study.
A recent Northwestern Medicine study found that patients with glioblastoma responded better or worse to immunotherapy depending on the presence of certain mutations in their tumors.
Northwestern Medicine scientists have discovered that an existing therapy used to treat Alzheimer’s disease might also work on patients with Primary Progressive Aphasia, a type of dementia that destroys language and currently has no treatment.