Media Coverage

The work done by Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine faculty members (and even some students) is regularly highlighted in newspapers, online media outlets and more. Below you’ll find links to articles and videos of Feinberg in the news.

The omicron variant is spreading across the U.S. at an alarming rate and is now being reported in nearly all 50 states. Ahead of the holidays, Americans planning to travel and gather aren’t taking any chances, leading to extra-long testing lines. Hospitals are already stretched thin as they brace for what’s ahead.

“It’s incredibly important to be aware of these risks,” said Lloyd-Jones, who is also head of preventive medicine at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, in Chicago. “Take a few simple steps that can help keep you heart healthy with much to celebrate in the new year.”

“If you’re working out for 30 minutes a day, for the other 23 hours and 30 minutes you are at lower risk than you otherwise would have been if you hadn’t worked out,” said Dr. Donald Lloyd-Jones, chair of the department of preventive medicine at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. “There’s the instantaneous short-term small elevation of risk while working out, but there’s the much longer-term benefit of having done the exercise.”

At Northwestern Hospital, they are not seeing a post-Thanksgiving surge in COVID-19 cases, which one doctor said was a pleasant surprise. “So, right now, our ICU is very busy. A lot of the cases that we’re seeing are not necessarily driven by COVID,” said Dr. Marc Sala, Northwestern Memorial Hospital’s pulmonary critical care department. “The numbers for COVID are relatively stable in our ICU.”

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