Media Coverage

The work done by Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine faculty members (and even some students) is regularly highlighted in newspapers, online media outlets and more. Below you’ll find links to articles and videos of Feinberg in the news.

  • ABC News

    Consumers Often Choose Sunscreens Which Fall Short of Dermatology Association Guidelines, Study Finds

    Researchers from multiple institutions, including Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, looked at the top-rated one percent of sunscreens on Amazon to see whether people are picking the sunscreens that provide the best protection. Researchers picked the sunscreens that had both the highest ratings and highest number of reviews by consumers on Amazon.

  • The Washington Post

    Researchers now have a much more nuanced understanding of whether we should eat pasta

    Along with normalizing bowel movements, fiber-heavy foods can be helpful in weight loss. Foods with lots of fiber tends to have fewer calories for the same volume of food. That’s key for maintaining a healthy body-mass index and diet, said Linda Van Horn, a nutrition professor at Northwestern University’s medical school. “You feel fuller when you’ve consumed those kinds of food,” Van Horn said. “That’s why any high-fiber whole grain provides this sense of fullness that helps you to reduce your total intake of calories.”

  • The New York Times

    Why Dieters Flock to Instagram

    Last year, Bonnie Spring, a professor in preventive medicine at the Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, published one of the few existing studies on why people turn to digital communities for weight loss. Dr. Spring said that Instagram may have success as a dieting platform because it is actually “a little bit less socially connected” than other platforms, serving the online dieters who value privacy and want minimal interaction with others. “Some people feel highly motivated and egged on to succeed when they can post their accomplishments on a leader board and compare their progress to others’,” Dr. Spring said. “Others cave under that kind of pressure and public scrutiny.”

  • The Washington Post

    4 in 10 highly rated sunscreens don’t meet American Academy of Dermatology guidelines

    Given that the marketplace has led you in the right direction with so many other consumer products, you might be wondering whether it’s a good place to read up on the sunscreen you’ve been meaning to buy as summer kicks into high gear. The answer, according to a study published Wednesday by Shuai Xu of Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, is yes and no.

  • Reuters

    Many popular sunscreens don’t meet suggested guidelines

    Nearly 10 percent of all sunscreen sales in the U.S. occur on, but many of the most popular sun protection products sold there don’t meet standards set by medical professionals, a new report says. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, sunscreens should provide broad spectrum protection against ultraviolet (UV) A and B rays, be water resistant and have a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. But less than two-thirds of the most popular sunscreens on Amazon met those standards, researchers report.

  • The Wall Street Journal

    Obama Administration Awards $55 Million for Research on Genetic Links to Disease

    The Obama administration said it is awarding $55 million to hospitals and companies to begin ambitious national research into the genetic makeup of a million or more Americans that is the planned cornerstone of the White House’s “precision-medicine initiative.” NIH has selected four universities to be the primary regional medical centers in the national undertaking. They are Columbia University in New York, in partnership with Weill Cornell Medical College and Harlem Hospital; Northwestern University in Chicago, in partnership with the University of Chicago, the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Alliance of Chicago Community Health Services LLC and the University of Illinois at Chicago; the University of Arizona, Tucson, in partnership with Banner Health; and the University of Pittsburgh.

  • The Huffington Post

    Why Terrible News Really Might Keep You Up At Night

    London residents who use Jawbone UP activity trackers slept on average 35 fewer minutes on the night of the Brexit vote than they had averaged the rest of the year, according to aggregated, anonymized data from Jawbone. Sleep data was not available for people in the rest of the U.K…

    Phyllis Zee, director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, said the data is an interesting way to look at large-scale sleep trends.

    Previous research has revealed major traumatic events like hurricanes, earthquakes and terrorist attacks disturb sleep patterns. And data like Jawbone’s can help illustrate how the news cycle — particularly when it’s stressful or uncertain — can affect our sleep.

  • CBS Chicago

    Durbin Says Congress Must Not Wait To Approve Zika Funding

    U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin met with doctors in Chicago on Tuesday to discuss the Zika virus, and to urge Congress to approve funding to fight the disease.

    Dr. Michael Angarone, an infectious disease specialist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, said research funded by the federal government would help him provide answers to patients bout Zika.

    “How do we counsel our patients and these people that have all these questions that, in reality, we don’t have many answers for?” he said after meeting with Durbin.

  • Chicago Tribune

    Doctors look for ways to prevent suicide — among themselves

    The young doctor cried in a stairwell, overwhelmed. Scheduling issues unexpectedly stripped away a weekend to visit his father, recently diagnosed with cancer. The night before, his wife had announced she was moving out — “rips the guts right out of him,” said Dr. Joan Anzia, a psychiatry professor at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. Doctors are more likely than the general population to commit suicide, with an estimated 350 to 400 physicians killing themselves in the U.S. each year, Anzia said. “It’s the unspoken group of patients,” said Dr. Michael Gisondi, an associate professor in emergency medicine at Feinberg. “We don’t care for ourselves nearly enough.” The medical profession is starting to recognize the problem of depression in its ranks. Northwestern has a clinician available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for any physician to confidentially call.

  • Chicago Tribune

    What to know about the Zika risk in Chicago

    Chicagoans want to know if they are at risk for the Zika virus, especially with the summer heat drawing out mosquitoes.

    “There’s still been a lot of concern from women,” said Dr. Michael Angarone, a Northwestern Memorial Hospital physician who specializes in infectious diseases.

    Chicago health officials are working to inform residents about Zika, which can cause microcephaly, a serious birth defect in which babies are born with heads smaller than expected.