June 11, 2007 Contact: Marla Paul at (312) 503-8928 or atmarla-paul@northwestern.edu Broadcast Media: Tamara Kerrill Field at (847) 491-4888 or attlk@northwestern.edu Many Physicians Don’t Use Use Patients’ Names on First Visit CHICAGO—Physicians do not address patients by name in half of first-time visits, even though nearly all patients want this personal greeting, according to new[…]
Pedaling Across America in 67 Days The American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R) will hold its annual assembly in Boston this September. As president of this medical society for some 7,000 practicing physiatrists, Joel M. Press, MD, GME ’88, plans to check out the meeting site in mid-August and at the same time,[…]
June 26, 2007 Contact: Marla Paul at (312) 503-8928 or atmarla-paul@northwestern.edu Broadcast Media: Tamara Kerrill Field at (847) 491-4888 or attlk@northwestern.edu First Study Transplanting Angina Patients’ Purified Stem Cells Shows Safety Researcher First Tests Cell Extraction Technique on Himself CHICAGO—The first U.S. study to transplant a potent form of purified adult stem cells into the[…]
June 12, 2007 Contact: Marla Paul at (312) 503-8928 or atmarla-paul@northwestern.edu Feinberg School Awarded $4 Million to Train Vascular Medicine Specialists CHICAGO—Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine has been awarded $4 million from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) to train vascular medicine specialists. Northwestern is one of seven institutions around the country[…]
Legal Landscape Affects Practice of Medicine Feinberg School faculty member Katie Watson, JD, discusses recent U.S. Supreme Court cases of special interest to physicians. Katherine (Katie) L. Watson, JD, lecturer in the Medical Humanities & Bioethics Program at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, says the legal landscape affecting the practice of medicine is changing[…]
Graduates Reminded to Listen for Patients’ Stories The official Feinberg School of Medicine graduation convocation program listed 162 members of the Class of 2007 who received their MD degrees during ceremonies held May 18 at Navy Pier. Dean Lewis Landsberg, MD, who welcomed the 1,500 or so family and friends in attendance and congratulated the[…]
Medical Examiner Seeks Justice for Crime Victims Dr. Yvonne Milewski, chief medical examiner for Suffolk County, New York, has traveled to places such as Croatia and Kosovo as a volunteer for Physicians for Human Rights. Forensic pathology is oftentimes about life as much is it is about death. As a medical examiner, Yvonne I. Milewski,[…]
May 22, 2007 Contact: Marla Paul at (312) 503-8928 or atmarla-paul@northwestern.edu Genetic Marker Linked to Aggressive Prostate Cancer CHICAGO—Northwestern University researchers have discovered that a recently identified genetic marker for prostate cancer is linked to a highly aggressive form of the disease. These findings ultimately will aid the development of a simple blood test to[…]
Student to Help Incarcerated Women Relieve Stress through Yoga Practicing yoga has brought medical student Adrienne R. Hampton so much physical and spiritual joy that she figures others—particularly the medically underserved—could benefit from a little “downward-facing dog” in their lives. One of 30 health profession students recently selected for the 2007â08 Chicago Area Schweitzer Fellows[…]
May 8, 2007 Contact: Marla Paul at (312) 503-8928 or atmarla-paul@northwestern.edu Scientists Work to Reverse Cancer CellsCHICAGO—In earlier work, Northwestern University scientist Mary J.C. Hendrix, PhD, and colleagues discovered that aggressive melanoma cells (but not normal skin cells nor less aggressive melanoma cells) contain specific proteins similar to those found in embryonic stem cells. This[…]