Category: Uncategorized

  • In Vivo Slated for January 21-22

    In Vivo Slated for January 21–22The 26th production of In Vivo, the Feinberg School of Medicine’s annual comedy revue, will be performed at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, January 21–22, in Thorne Auditorium, 375 East Chicago Avenue, on Northwestern University’s Chicago campus. Advance tickets cost $8 each and may be purchased in the Method Atrium,[…]

  • New Theory Offered on Memory

    New Theory Offered on MemoryBy Elizabeth Crown How do you remember your own name? Is it possible ever to forget it? The memory trace, or engram, “feels” like it is stored permanently in the brain, and it will never be forgotten. Indeed, the current view of memory is that, at the molecular level, new proteins[…]

  • Northwestern Study Shows Why Olive Oil Protects Against Breast Cancer

    January 11, 2005 Northwestern Study Shows Why Olive Oil Protects Against Breast Cancer CHICAGO—Oleic acid, the main monounsaturated fatty acid contained in olive oil, can cripple a cancer gene that is responsible for 25 to 30 percent of all breast cancers, according to an article by Northwestern University researchers published in the January 10 issue[…]

  • Medication May Improve Parkinson’s Drug Effects

    Medication May Improve Parkinson’s Drug Effects CHICAGO—Physicians at the Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center at Northwestern University are conducting a research study to evaluate an experimental treatment intended to improve motor fluctuations associated with the “wearing-off” effects of medications to treat Parkinson’s disease. Individuals with advancing Parkinson’s disease develop inconsistent responses to medications, known[…]

  • ‘Signal’ Enables Parasite to Target Blood Cells

    ‘Signal’ Enables Parasite to Target Blood Cells CHICAGO—Northwestern University researchers have identified a key molecular “signal” that allows malarial parasites to release virulence proteins inside human red blood cells. The investigators, led by Kasturi Haldar, PhD, and N. Luisa Hiller, also found that the process by which the malarial parasite remodels red blood cells is[…]

  • Sleeping Less May Be Related to Weight Gain

    Sleeping Less May Be Related to Weight GainLack of sleep could make you fat. In an editorial published in the January 10 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine, two Northwestern University researchers stress the need to better understand the growing epidemic of obesity in the United States by studying how loss of sleep alters[…]

  • Medical Students Spearhead Disaster Fund Drive

    Medical Students Spearhead Disaster Fund DriveFourteen Northwestern medical student groups have joined forces to raise funds to aid survivors of the recent earthquake and tsunami in South Asia. Led by the Feinberg School of Medicine chapter of GlobeMed, students are collecting monetary donations during the lunch hour in the Method Atrium, 310 East Superior Street,[…]

  • NMH, RIC to lease VA Site

    NMH, RIC to Lease VA Land Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH) and the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC) are one step closer to leasing the land occupied by the former VA Lakeside Medical Center (VALMC). During a formal ceremony on January 18 in Washington, NMH and RIC officials met with Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony J.[…]

  • Strength Training May Improve Leg Functioning

    December 8, 2004 Strength Training May Improve Leg Functioning CHICAGO—A Northwestern University researcher is conducting a clinical study to determine whether regular exercise can improve leg and ankle functioning in participants with peripheral artery disease (PAD), a condition similar to coronary artery disease, where fatty deposits on the walls of arteries block blood flow to[…]

  • Study Shows Toxic Proteins Affect Memory

    December 21, 2004 Study Shows Toxic Proteins Affect Memory EVANSTON, Ill.—Researchers at Northwestern University have discovered a molecular mechanism—a tiny protein attacking nerve cells—that could explain why the brain damage in early Alzheimer’s disease results in memory loss and not other symptoms such as loss of balance or tremors. The research team, led by William[…]