Category: Uncategorized

  • Stem Cell Transplantation as Lupus Treatment

    February 1, 2006 Stem Cell Transplantation as Lupus TreatmentCHICAGO—About half of patients with severe lupus that does not respond to standard treatment and who undergo autologous stem cell transplantation to boost their immune system have substantial improvement of their disease after several years, according to preliminary research published in the February 1 issue of the[…]

  • Galter Library’s Restored Rare Books Featured at Block Museum Exhibit

    Galter Library’s Restored Rare Books Featured at Block Museum Exhibit Albinus’ Tabulae Selecti et Musculorum Corporis Humani, published in 1747, required restoration before it could be displayed. The exhibit “Anatomy of Gender” at Northwestern’s Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art explores the relationship between sex, gender, and images of dissection in Renaissance and early[…]

  • Compound Targets Alzheimer’s Brain Cell Degeneration

    January 25, 2006 Compound Targets Alzheimer’s Brain Cell Degeneration CHICAGO—Drug discovery researchers at Northwestern University have developed a novel orally administered compound specifically targeted to suppress brain cell inflammation and neuron loss associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The compound is also rapidly absorbed by the brain and is non-toxic—important considerations for a central nervous system drug[…]

  • Anatomy Wins Top Publications Honor

    Anatomy Wins Top Publications Honor The Association of American Medical Colleges/Group on Institutitional Advancement (AAMC/GIA) has awarded Anatomy of Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, the school’s annual report for fiscal year 2004, an Award of Excellence (the top honor) in the single or special issue category in the group’s annual competition. The school’s Office[…]

  • Program to Treat Skin of Individuals of Color

    January 25, 2006 Program to Treat Skin of Individuals of Color CHICAGO—Northwestern University has created a Center for Ethnic Skin, a specialized program focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of hair, skin, and nail disorders in individuals of skin of color—African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic/Latino Americans. Roopal V. Kundu, MD, assistant professor of dermatology[…]

  • In Vivo variety show slated for January 27 and 28

    In Vivo Variety Show Slated for January 27–28 “Billy Medicine” is the 27th annual production of In Vivo, the comedy revue that features the writing, directing, performing, and technical talents of students and facutly and staff members of Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. A medically oriented spoof of the popular Adam Sandler film, “Billy[…]

  • Some Women at Greater Risk for Melanoma

    December 27, 2005 Some Women at Greater Risk for Melanoma CHICAGO—Older white women with a history of non-melanoma skin cancer are at greater risk for developing melanoma, regardless of the amount of sun they have been exposed to, finds a study in the online journal Cancer. “This study adds a history of the relatively favorable[…]

  • Middle-Age Obesity Raises Later Heart, Diabetes Risk

    Middle-Age Obesity Raises Later Heart, Diabetes RiskCHICAGO—Obesity in middle age—even without established cardiovascular disease risk factors such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels— greatly increases risk of hospitalization for and death from heart disease and diabetes in older age, according to a study in the January 11 issue of the Journal of the[…]

  • Michael J. Fox Foundation Grant Funds Parkinson’s Research

    Michael J. Fox Foundation Grant Funds Parkinson’s Research CHICAGO—Northwestern University, the University of California-San Francisco, and RheoGene, Inc., have received a grant from the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research that will provide up to $4.2 million for development of a regulatable gene therapy system to treat Parkinson’s disease. Martha C. Bohn, PhD, a[…]