Northwestern Medicine investigators have discovered novel mechanisms underlying transcription elongation, the process of synthesizing RNA from DNA.
An immune system kinase promotes tumor inflammation and progression, according to a study published in Nature Communications.
Northwestern Medicine investigators have identified a new type of retinal ganglion cell, neurons that encode the visual environment and transmit information back to the brain.
Investigators have discovered novel cellular pathways behind chemotherapy-resistant glioblastoma cells and a potential biomarker, paving the way for new therapeutic targets.
Northwestern Medicine investigators have discovered novel mechanisms that regulate cellular stress response, according to findings published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
An enzymatic modifier of messenger RNA has different functions depending on its location, according to a recent study.
The presence and involvement of fathers with their sons during childhood predicted the profile of adult testosterone levels, according to a recent study.
Proteins gain new interactions that are potentially oncogenic and could drive cancer development and growth, according to a recent study.
A subunit of voltage-gated calcium channels was found to have a functional role in T-cells, according to a study published in Nature Communications.
A new Northwestern Medicine study has identified how ketamine works so quickly, and how it might be adapted without side effects.