Young men who have sex with men have the highest risk for HIV infection, but only one in five has ever been tested for HIV, a much lower rate than testing for non-adolescents, according to a new study.
A new Northwestern Medicine study shows that a protein called POP1 prevents severe inflammation and, potentially, diseases caused by excessive inflammatory responses.
In the first study of its kind, scientists using data mining techniques have identified a genetic susceptibility to polycystic ovary syndrome that appears to be unique to European women.
Northwestern Medicine scientists have discovered for the first time the neurotransmitter pathways that allow stressful fear-related memories become consciously inaccessible.
Northwestern Medicine scientists have discovered how a gene linked to leukemia functions, a finding that may have important implications for children with Down syndrome who have a higher risk of developing the blood cancer.
Northwestern Medicine scientists have revealed how a pneumonia-causing bacterium uses a toxin to spread itself from the lungs to the bloodstream.
Northwestern Medicine scientists investigated the mechanism behind a mutation in a calcium ion channel that leads to an immunodeficiency syndrome.
Children from low-income families who succeed academically and socially have increased cellular aging, according to a new Northwestern Medicine study.
A new Northwestern Medicine research center funded by the American Heart Association will study links between dietary phosphate and heart disease, with a focus on reducing health disparities in minority populations.
A collaborative study that included Northwestern Medicine scientists has identified structural brain abnormalities in patients with schizophrenia, helping further understanding of the mental disorder.