Northwestern Medicine scientists showed how the herpes simplex virus exploits microtubule plus-end tracking proteins to move within human cells, providing insights into how viruses engage with host transport networks.
Northwestern Medicine scientists pinpointed a master switch that orchestrates thousands of genetic pathways an internal body clock takes to dictate how and when our pancreas must produce insulin and control blood sugar.
Northwestern Medicine scientists have shown for the first time that the Myosin 9b gene is correlated with lung cancer tumor formation and metastasis.
A new multidisciplinary Huntington’s disease clinic is a one-stop shop where patients can receive comprehensive care to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.
A new study demonstrates how herpes viruses switch between two invasive states to promote infection in the nervous system.
Northwestern Medicine scientists helped develop an implantable device that detects early breast cancer metastatic cells, a method that may enable physicians to identify cancer spreading in patients while treatments are still viable.
A trail of messenger molecules left behind by general immune system cells called neutrophils helps virus-specific T-cells reach tissues infected by influenza, reports a new study published in Science.
A new imaging technique that allows for visualization of blood flow in real-time revealed that abnormal blood flow from the two-flap valve in bicuspid aortic valve disease can create weakness in the aorta.
A study co-authored by Northwestern Medicine scientist Rintaro Hashizume, MD, PhD, identified the EAG2 potassium channel as a target for treating medulloblastoma.
Northwestern Medicine scientists have found evidence that a protein that has a genetic link to ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases destroys mitochondria in neurons.