Author: medweb

  • Drinkers, Smokers, and Men Develop Colorectal Cancer Earlier

    March 28, 2006 Drinkers, Smokers, and Men Develop Colorectal Cancer Earlier CHICAGO—Alcohol use, tobacco smoking, and male gender are associated with an earlier onset of colorectal cancer and with location of tumors, according to a study by Northwestern University researchers. Findings from the study, published in the March 27 issue of the Archives of Internal[…]

  • Julius Dewald Named Department Chair

    Julius Dewald Named Department Chair Dean Lewis Landsberg, MD, has named Julius P.A. Dewald, PT, PhD, chair of the Department of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences, effective April 1. Dr. Dewald has been associated with Northwestern since 1988 when he was a postdoctoral fellow in physiology. He holds undergraduate and master’s degrees from Vrije[…]

  • In Memoriam (Howard Lieberman)

    In Memoriam (Howard Lieberman) Howard L. Lieberman, MD, GME ’49, professor of clinical ophthalmology, died of respiratory failure March 17 in Chicago; he was 83. Born and raised on Chicago’s North Side, Dr. Lieberman received his MD degree from the University of Illinois in 1946. There he met his future wife, Natalie. They were married[…]

  • New ‘Litmus Test’ Could Aid Discovery of Anti-Cancer Drugs

    March 28, 2006 Contact: Megan Fellman at (847) 491-3115 or New ‘Litmus Test’ Could Aid Discovery of Anti-Cancer Drugs EVANSTON, Ill.—Using the unusual color properties of gold at the nanoscale, scientists at Northwestern University have developed a “litmus test” for DNA and small molecule binding that eventually could be used by pharmaceutical companies to[…]

  • Accepted Students Take a Second Look

    Accepted Students Take a Second Look Accepted students and their hosts are treated to Chicago-style deep-dish pizza on Friday. Nearly 250 guests arrived at the Feinberg School of Medicine for Second Look Weekend April 6–8. This number included nearly 150 newly accepted students plus friends, spouses, and other family members. Sponsored by the Office of[…]

  • Markers Inherited, Raise Heart Disease, Diabetes Risk

    April 18, 2006 Markers Inherited, Raise Heart Disease, Diabetes Risk CHICAGO—Menstrual irregularity and unhealthy metabolic traits associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are inherited and persist with age, putting women with PCOS at a high risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. That finding is reported in a new study published April 17 in[…]

  • Magnesium-Rich Diet May Reduce Metabolic Syndrome Risk

    March 28, 2006 Magnesium-Rich Diet May Reduce Metabolic Syndrome Risk CHICAGO—A magnesium rich-diet may help reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome and, perhaps, a heart attack or diabetes, Northwestern University researchers report in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of cardiovascular disease and diabetes risk factors, including excess waist[…]

  • Early Diagnosis Important in Muscle Disorder

    April 4, 2006 Early Diagnosis Important in Muscle Disorder CHICAGO—Dermatomyositis, a rare, debilitating inflammatory disease, should be diagnosed and treated promptly in children, Northwestern University researchers recommend. Dermatomyositis is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks muscle and skin, often causing an extensive rash, as well as progressive, severe muscle weakness, pain,[…]

  • Michael Ravitch Lecture Series Takes Off

    Michael Ravitch Lecture Series Takes Off When long-time Northwestern medical educator Michael M. Ravitch, PhD, suffered a stroke in 1997, he was catapulted into the world of the disabled. Upon his death in 2004, his family and friends established a lecture series in his memory to recognize three things: His many contributions to medical education—he[…]

  • Evolution Is Topic of Silverstein Lecture

    April 4, 2006 Evolution is Topic of Silverstein LectureCHICAGO—Eugenie C. Scott, PhD, and Robert T. Pennock, PhD, two noted experts on the controversy surrounding evolution, creationism, and intelligent design, will be the guest speakers for the annual Center for Genetic Medicine Silverstein Lecture Series at Northwestern University. The lecture, “Evolution: The Impact of Social and[…]