Northwestern Medicine investigators have discovered novel features of circulating tumor stem cells that can promote chemotherapy evasion and metastasis in triple-negative breast cancer, according to a recent study.
The use of ultrasound screening and 3D mammography only slightly increases the detection rate of breast cancer in women with dense breasts, according to a prospective multicenter study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Northwestern Medicine investigators have discovered that the overexpression of a specific transcription factor prevented bone loss in mouse models with complications from chronic kidney disease, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
A study led by Elizabeth Johnson, PhD, has established fluctuating “gating” mechanisms that support flexible behavior and working memory in humans, findings recently published in Nature Communications.
An expert panel of Northwestern leaders recently explored hot topics in longevity, AI, regenerative medicine, bioelectronics and new approaches to cancer treatment.
Northwestern Medicine investigators have shown that inhibiting a mutated gene can reduce seizure activity in adult-type diffuse gliomas, according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
Northwestern University is accepting nominations for its $350,000 Mechthild Esser Nemmers Prize in Medical Science.
Using zebrafish models, investigators have discovered that MAP4K4 genetic variants cause neurodevelopmental delays and other physical abnormalities, demonstrating a potential therapeutic target for treating the disorder in humans, according to findings published in Science Advances.
Attendees gathered on May 11 for Alzheimer Day, an annual event hosted by the Mesulam Center for Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease to showcase dementia and aging research conducted throughout Northwestern and bring those discoveries to the community.
Northwestern Medicine scientists have uncovered how peptides produced by bones during inflammation prevent anemia in mice, according to a recent study published in the journal Blood.