Dozens of faculty members and fourth-year medical students were recognized for their scholarly and clinical excellence at Feinberg’s Honors Day, held May 20.
“These honors are the result of the mentorship and support I received from attending physicians, housestaff and fellow medical students during my internal medicine rotations,” said Ramael Ohiomoba, who received the Neil Stone Award for Professionalism and Compassion in Medicine, as well as the Diane B. Wayne, MD, Award, for outstanding performance in the junior medicine clerkship.
“I have tremendously enjoyed treating patients and I am grateful to have done so with doctors that place the highest emphasis on patient care,” said Ohiomoba, who after graduation will begin a residency in internal medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Eric G. Neilson, MD, vice president for Medical Affairs and Lewis Landsberg Dean, welcomed faculty and graduating medical students to the ceremony.
“Honors Day is a chance to acknowledge the accomplishments of our graduating students; their leadership, community service and excellence in clinical clerkships,” Neilson said. “There are also teaching awards for our distinguished educator faculty, we are very proud to include those as well.”
Marianne Green, MD, the Raymond H. Curry, MD, Professor of Medical Education and vice dean for Education, presented awards to four faculty members for outstanding teaching, both in the classroom and in the clinic.

Medical students themselves selected James Walter, MD, 17 GME, assistant professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, as the Harry N. Beaty Honors Day Speaker. During his speech, Walter held up a pulse oximeter, noting that reliance on the optical measurement of blood oxygen alone can obscure diagnosis of low blood oxygen in patients with darker skin.
“You enter this next stage of your career with fresh perspective and open eyes, making important steps towards equitable healthcare will be made by asking questions you might be told are not worth asking,” Walter said. “There are surely more pulse oximeters out there waiting for someone to crack open and expose their flaws.”
Samuel Bowers, a fourth-year medical student, received the Edward A. Brunner Medical Student Award in Anesthesiology.
“My experiences with the faculty, residents and students in the Department of Anesthesiology were essential in convincing me that anesthesiology was the field for me,” said Bowers, who after graduation will begin a residency in anesthesiology at the University of Michigan Medical School.

George H. Joost Teaching Awards
- M1: Yusra Cheema, MD, ’11 GME, assistant professor of Medicine in the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, for outstanding teaching in a large-group setting during the M1 year.
- M2: Angelique Duenas, PhD, assistant professor of Medical Education, for outstanding teaching in a large-group setting during the M2 year.
- M3/M4 Clinical Teaching Award: Joseph Posluszny, Jr., MD, assistant professor of Surgery in the Division of Trauma and Critical Care, for excellence in the clinical teaching of medical students.
- Michael M. Ravitch Award: Mark Chien, MD, clinical instructor of Medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine, for outstanding teaching in a small-group setting.
Student Awards
- Neil Stone Award for Professionalism and Compassion in Medicine: Omar Bushara and Ramael Ohiomoba, nominated by a clerkship director in recognition of commitment to professionalism and compassion in medicine.
- Kenneth M. Viste, Jr., ‘66 MD, Student Service Recognition Award: Kamya Bijawat, in recognition of outstanding service and contribution to the Feinberg School of Medicine.
- Daniel Hale Williams Diversity and Inclusion Award: Caitlin Jacobs, in recognition of a graduating student who excelled in promoting diversity and inclusion at the Feinberg School of Medicine.
- Phi Rho Sigma Dennis Award: Emily Marogi, for outstanding performance in junior year clerkships.
- Diane B. Wayne, MD, Award: Ramael Ohiomoba, for outstanding performance in the junior medicine clerkship.
- John T. Clarke, MD, Award: Karen Young, for an outstanding graduating student pursuing a career in internal medicine.
- Eugene Bauer, MD, Award for Excellence in Dermatology: Meron Teklu, for the best overall performance in dermatology by a graduating medical student pursuing a career in dermatology.
- Beatrice Tucker, MD, Award in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Nicolás Francone, in recognition of outstanding commitment, service and advocacy in the field of women’s health.
- Louis G. Keith, MD, PhD, Award in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Shweta Hosakoppal, in recognition of clinical and academic excellence in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.
- Stephen M. Stahl Award for Excellence in Psychiatry: Vanessa Reguitti, for an outstanding graduating student in psychiatry.
- Edward A. Brunner Medical Student Award in Anesthesiology: Samuel Bowers, in recognition of the highest level of academic excellence demonstrated by a graduating student pursuing a career in anesthesiology.
- Sam Ung Ho, MD, Award for Excellence in Neurology: Molly Lawrence, for a graduating student who demonstrated excellence in neurology during the third-year clerkship as well as the selective experiences in neurology.
- Gayle E. Woloschak Medical Student Award for Excellence in Radiation Oncology: Alexander Ho, for excellence in radiation oncology.
- James Thomas Case Radiology Award: Liliana Ma, for best overall performance in radiology by a graduating student pursuing a career in radiology.
- Clare Giegerich Award for Outstanding Promise in Orthopaedic Surgery: Ashwin Madha, awarded to a graduating student who demonstrated outstanding performance in the field of orthopaedic surgery.
- James A. Stockman III Award for Excellence in Pediatrics and Child Health: Maya Jackson-Gibson, for outstanding performance in the pediatric clerkship and a passion for advancing the care of children through advocacy, education and research.
- John P. Phair Award: Maria Hanna, awarded to a graduating student who excelled on the infectious disease rotation in both the intellectual and human side of medicine.
- Julius Conn, Jr., MD, Award: Matthew Ramsey, for outstanding performance in the surgery clerkship.
- Lee M. Jampol, MD, Award: Gregory McElroy, for outstanding achievement by a graduating student in ophthalmology, in clinical care and vision science research.
- Martin Lipsky Award for Excellence in Family Medicine: Kelsey McAfee, named for the inaugural chair of Family and Community Medicine and granted to a graduating student entering a family medicine residency who most exemplifies the characteristics of altruism, compassion and intellectual curiosity.
- Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Excellence in Emergency Medicine Award: Priyanka Pradhan, awarded to a graduating student who has demonstrated excellence in the specialty of emergency medicine.
- Harold J. Pelzer, MD, Award: Rebecca Sinard, awarded to a graduating student for outstanding achievement on the otolaryngology rotation.
- James Kozlowski Award for Excellence in Urology: Vivian Wan, presented to a graduating student with the most outstanding performance in urology.
- Frederick and Harriett Stenn Award for Humanism in Medicine: Julia Murphy, nominated by a classmate for demonstration of humanism and compassion in the practice of medicine.