Fourth-year medical students were honored for their clinical and academic achievements at a virtual Graduate Recognition Ceremony on May 21.
Elsy Virginia Compres, ’18 MD, received the Daniel Hale Williams Diversity and Inclusion Award as well as the Kenneth M. Viste, Jr., ’66 MD, Student Service Recognition Award for her efforts in Feinberg’s pipeline programs and student groups, such as the Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA).
“As an anthropology major in undergrad, I experienced the importance of cultural immersion in creating greater compassion, learning opportunities and humility. Service is a powerful component of that process,” said Compres, who is moving on to residency in dermatology at University of California-San Francisco. “This is the type of work that led me to medicine in the first place.”
The ceremony opened with remarks from Sandra Sanguino, ’93 MD, MPH, ’96, ’97, GME, senior associate dean for Medical Education, who welcomed faculty and graduating students to the event.
“The resilience, care and compassion this class has demonstrated during these challenging times has truly been inspirational,” Sanguino said. “Not only having provided outstanding healthcare during a global pandemic, but they’ve had an impact on patients, the community and have truly made Feinberg a better place.”
Students thanked their Feinberg college mentors and departmental representatives presented awards and congratulated students. Nicole Hada, ’18 MD, president of the class of 2021, introduced Eugene Silinsky, PhD, professor of Pharmacology, who gave the ceremony’s keynote address.
“Wow, what a ride. What a remarkable example of strength, courage and resolve,” Silinsky said about the graduating class. “Thank you for everything you’ve given me and given this community. I wish you all the best in your medical careers and all the health and happiness in your personal lives.”

Several students received awards for their work on rotations, including Sherry Lee, ’18 MD, PhD, who received the Jan Reddy Excellence in Pathology Award.
“This award will be a steadfast reminder throughout my career of the excellent learning experiences and mentorship I received from the pathology department at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine,” said Lee, who is moving on to a residency in pathology at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. “It will motivate me to become the best pathologist that I can be!”
Madeline Miller, ’18 MD, who received the Henry B. Betts, MD, Award for Excellence in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, had a similar experience with finding her passion on rotation.

“I could feel my enthusiasm for the field of PM&R and the patient population continuously grow throughout the rotation, and at the end, I knew this was the specialty for me,” said Miller, who is going on to a residency in physical medicine and rehabilitation at the McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University and Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.
Training excellent clinicians requires more than just education in biological sciences. Feinberg strives to inculcate students with values of compassion and empathy, exemplified by Anuj Chokshi, ’18 MD, who received the Frederick and Harriett Stenn Award for Humanism in Medicine.
“I am honored to receive this award and I am indebted to my educators and clinicians whom I’ve tried to role model my behavior as a budding clinician,” said Chokshi, who will stay at Northwestern for a residency in internal medicine at McGaw Medical Center. “It is very humbling to be nominated by peers and I am eager for the next step in training.”
- Beatrice Tucker, MD, Award in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Denise Monti, MD ’18, MPH, in recognition of outstanding commitment, service, and advocacy in the field of women’s health.
- Clare Giegerich Award for Outstanding Promise in Orthopaedic Surgery: Allison Morgan, ’18 MD, MA, awarded to a graduating student who demonstrated outstanding performance in the field of orthopaedic surgery.
- Daniel Hale Williams Diversity and Inclusion Award: Elsy Virginia Compres, ’18 MD, In recognition of a graduating student who excelled in promoting diversity and inclusion at Feinberg School of Medicine.
- Diane B. Wayne, MD, Award: Jeffrey William Fuchs, ’18 MD, for outstanding performance in the junior medicine clerkship.
- Edward A. Brunner Medical Student Award in Anesthesiology: Nancy Su, ’18 MD, in recognition of the highest level of academic excellence demonstrated by a graduating student pursuing a career in anesthesiology.
- Eugene Bauer, MD, Award for Excellence in Dermatology: Simran Chadha, ’18 MD, for the best overall performance in dermatology by a graduating student pursuing a career in dermatology.
- Frederick and Harriett Stenn Award for Humanism in Medicine: Anuj Kalpesh Chokshi, ’18 MD, nominated by a classmate for demonstration of humanism and compassion in the practice of medicine.
- Gayle E. Woloschak Medical Student Award for Excellence in Radiation Oncology: Jake Miller, ’18 MD, MA, for excellence in radiation oncology.
- Harold J. Pelzer, MD, Award: Mitesh Paresh Mehta, ’18 MD, awarded to a graduating student for outstanding achievement on the otolaryngology rotation.
- Henry B. Betts, MD, Award for Excellence in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Madeline Miller, ’18 MD, for best performance during the physical medicine and rehabilitation medical student clerkship rotation.
- James Kozlowski Award for Excellence in Urology: Evan Panken, ’18 MD, presented to the graduating student with the most outstanding performance in urology.
- James A. Stockman III Award for Excellence in Pediatrics and Child Health: Abbey Dallas, ’18 MD, MPH, for outstanding performance in the pediatric clerkships and a passion for advancing the care of children through advocacy, education or research.
- James Thomas Case Radiology Award: Bardia Nadim, ’18 MD, for best overall performance in radiology by a graduating student pursuing a career in radiology.
- Jan Reddy Excellence in Pathology Award: Sherry Lee, ’18 MD, PhD, for excellent effort and learning on the pathology elective rotation.
- John P. Phair Award: Brendan Mullen, ’18 MD, awarded to a graduating student who excelled on the infectious disease rotation in both the intellectual and human side of medicine.
- John T. Clarke, MD, Award: Hannah Mallaro, ’18 MD, for an outstanding graduating student pursuing a career in internal medicine.
- Julius Conn, Jr., MD, Award: Benjamin Stocker, ’18 MD, for outstanding performance in the surgery clerkship.
- Kenneth M. Viste, Jr., ’66 MD, Student Service Recognition Award: Elsy Virginia Compres, ’18 MD, in recognition of outstanding service and contribution to Feinberg School of Medicine.
- Lee M. Jampol, MD, Award: Anna Bettina Toth, ’18 MD, PhD, for outstanding achievement by a graduating student in ophthalmology, in clinical care and vision science research.
- Louis G. Keith, MD, PhD, Award in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Hooman Alexander Azad, ’18 MD, MPH, in recognition of clinical and academic excellence in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.
- Martin Lipsky Award for Excellence in Family Medicine: Kaitlin Huennekens, ’18 MD, named for the inaugural chair of Family and Community Medicine and granted to the graduating student entering a family medicine residency who most exemplifies the characteristics of altruism, compassion, and intellectual curiosity.
- Neil Stone Award for Professionalism and Compassion in Medicine: Ana Sofia Moreno-Mesa, ’18 MD, nominated by a clerkship director in recognition of commitment to professionalism and compassion in medicine.
- Paul C. Bucy Medical Student Award: Shivani Baisiwala, ’18 MD, for outstanding contributions by a graduating student in the field of neurological surgery.
- Phi Rho Sigma Dennis Award: Dan C. Im, ’18 MD, and Nikil Prasad, ’18 MD, for most outstanding performance in junior year clerkships.
- Sam Ung Ho, MD, Award for Excellence in Neurology: KuangHua (Karl) Guo, ’18 MD, PhD, awarded by the American Academy of Neurology to the graduating student who demonstrated excellence in neurology during the third-year clerkship as well as the selective experiences in neurology.
- Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Excellence in Emergency Medicine Award: Kenneth Young-Hoon Lee, Jr., ’18 MD, awarded to a graduating student who has demonstrated excellence in the specialty of emergency medicine.
- Stephen M. Stahl Award for Excellence in Psychiatry: Zaira Gasanova, ’18 MD, for an outstanding graduating student in psychiatry.