April 12, 2004
Feinberg School Annual Report Available Online
“On Course,” the 2002â03 annual report of the Feinberg School of Medicine, is now available online at www.feinberg.northwestern.edu/ar2003/. In addition to providing statistics about the school’s progress in its education, research, and clinical service missions, the annual report explores the role of mentoring in keeping the school “on course” to meeting its goals.
Mentor to residents and medical students, Sharon M. Unti, MD ’82, GME ’85, assistant professor of pediatrics and director of the pediatrics residency program, is highlighted in the education section. Renowned investigator Jacob I. Sznajder, MD, chief of the Feinberg School’s Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, is featured in the research section for his work to nurture future generations of researchers. Dr. Sznajder is the Roy and Elaine Patterson Professor of Medicine. Clinician and longtime faculty member Steven T. Rosen, MD, leads the clinical services section. Dr. Rosen is the Genevieve E. Teuton Professor of Medicine and director of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University.
The mentoring talents of the Feinberg School faculty also benefit high school students. The longstanding relationship between the medical school and Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, a preparatory program for academically talented students in grades 10 through 12, is detailed in the community service section.
To learn more about the people and programs of the Feinberg School, view the annual report at the Web site above.