The Chicago medical campus welcomed the opening of a new leading-edge ambulatory care facility. The high-rise at 259 E. Erie, houses every convenience a patient could need, from doctor’s offices and imaging services to an outpatient surgery center and several retail offerings.
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Carol A. Rosenberg, ’80 MD, has more than three decades’ experience as an internist, clinical researcher and medical educator, but it was an unexpected medical crisis within her own family that profoundly changed the course of her career.
Bob Cromer, ’52 MD, thanked his lucky stars that a German mortar shell hit his left leg during World War II combat in March 1945. That “million-dollar” wound allowed him to receive a disability rating and have his education paid for under Public Law 16 (rehabilitation) instead of the standard G.I. Bill.
Dr. Sudip Bose raises awareness and money on behalf of veterans with post-traumatic stress, depression and suicidal ideation.
A new Northwestern Medicine Lake Forest Hospital will raise the bar by bringing academic medicine to Chicago’s suburbs.
The use of genetic information to inform patient care, from cancer to neurological disorders, has personalized medicine for individual patients like never before. But more is still to come, according to Elizabeth M. McNally, MD, PhD, new director of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine’s Center for Genetic Medicine.
Throughout the decades, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine students, faculty and alumni have had a long-standing history of serving in the U.S. Armed Forces for a variety of reasons.
John Lumpkin, ’73 BMS, ’74 MD, was involved in Emergency Medicine when it was an emerging field, and went on to help shape public health policy both in Illinois and nationally.
Julian D’Achille, ’08 MD, MPH, attributes a passion for international health to his global health experiences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Al George, MD, Melds Genetics, Drug Discovery To Personalize Medicine