Daniel Brat, MD, PhD, is spearheading the evolution toward precision medicine within the arena of brain tumor diagnostics.
Peter Penzes, PhD, says the field of autism neurobiology is ripe for discovery and his team at Feinberg is laying the groundwork for new treatments for the disorder.
Find out how this scientist, educator and advocate for the underserved is working to improve the cancer mortality gap in Chicago.
Feinberg scientists Mercedes Carnethon, PhD, and Kiarri Kershaw, PhD, MPH, discuss their striking discoveries in the area of health disparities.
Did you know that you can claim Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit for listening to the Breakthroughs podcast? At Feinberg, we are driven by our mission to impact human health beyond the individual patient. We believe better answers come from discovery. Breakthroughs aims to broadcast these discoveries to contribute to the larger conversation surrounding human[…]