Northwestern Medicine investigators have found that a small subset of cells in the retina inhibit the communication of light signals from the eyes to the brain, impacting how light affects daily activity and how the pupils constrict to light.
Both the hippocampus and the orbitofrontal cortex are involved in inference-based behavior, according to a new study.
Small projections of dendritic spines known as spinules are unexpectedly dynamic, while a stable subgroup may form multi-synaptic spine connections, according to the first detailed study of their behavior.
A Northwestern Medicine study has identified looped neural connections between the cortex and thalamus, providing a new understanding of connectivity between the two brain regions.
Supplementing lab animal diets with a chemical precursor of the molecule NAD+ countered certain age-related declines in circadian rhythm function, according to a recent study.
The nervous system groups sets of muscles producing opposing forces on joints, firing the muscles simultaneously to ensure joints aren’t stressed or injured by unbalanced forces, according to a recent study.
A new Northwestern Medicine study discovered a new and unexpected function for the transcriptional regulator MLL2/COMPASS.
Neural signaling that encodes certain memories as negative could impact anxiety and substance misuse disorders, according to a recent study.
Northwestern Medicine investigators have discovered that eye movements are tightly linked to learning and retrieval, according to new findings.
A specialized subset of rare immune cells called plasmacytoid dendritic cells may promote antitumor immunity, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.