Gentle sound stimulation played during deep sleep enhanced deep or slow-wave sleep for people with mild cognitive impairment, who are at risk for Alzheimer’s disease, according to a Northwestern Medicine study.
The Louis A. Simpson and Kimberly K. Querrey Biomedical Research Center – the largest new building dedicated to biomedical research at a US medical school – has officially opened.
In a surprising new finding, radiation combined with chemotherapy did not increase recurrence-free survival in women with stage III/IVA endometrial cancer following surgery.
An artificial intelligence system was able to detect malignant lung cancer nodules on CT scans as well as — or better — than expert radiologists, according to a new study.
Death rates due to heart failure are now increasing, and this increase is most prominent among younger adults under 65, according to a new study.
A gene involved in male hormone production plays a major role in the development of polycystic ovary syndrome, according to a recent study.
Stimulating one part of the brain’s memory center with electromagnetic pulses improved the memory of older adults with age-related memory loss, according to a recent study.
Reduced blood capillaries in the back of the eye may be a new, noninvasive way to diagnose early cognitive impairment, a precursor to Alzheimer’s disease.
Increased consumption of eggs and dietary cholesterol is linked to a significantly higher risk of cardiovascular disease and death, according to a new study.
First-time women principal investigator scientists received considerably less funding from the National Institutes of Health compared to first-time male principal investigators, reports a new Northwestern study published in JAMA.