Inflamed heart muscles can mount immune responses even in the absence of immune cells, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
Multilevel care interventions improved clinician–documented advanced care planning compared with a clinician-level intervention alone for patients with genitourinary cancer, according to recent findings published in JAMA Oncology.
Northwestern investigators have demonstrated how manipulating DNA chemistry can alter its structure and flexibility and enable the realization of new materials useful in medicine and the life sciences, according to a study published in Science Advances.
People with irregular heartbeats taking a common blood pressure drug may be at greater risk of serious bleeding, according to a study recently published in JAMA.
Yogesh Goyal, PhD, and Ann Kennedy, PhD, have been named 2024 Pew Scholars by The Pew Charitable Trusts, which recognizes promising early-career investigators whose research will accelerate discovery and translation in the biomedical sciences.
The American Society of Nephrology has announced Susan Quaggin, MD, the Irving S. Cutter Professor and chair of Medicine, as the winner of the 2024 John P. Peters Award.
Investigators have discovered that using a novel drug agonist to target the STING pathway in preclinical models of glioblastoma reprogrammed previously suppressed immune responses, according to recent findings published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
A map of the Northwestern University Transplant Outcomes Research Collaborative (NUTORC) Network looks like an intricate spiderweb. Hovering over one investigator’s name, you see the many investigators they are connected with through publications and research collaboration.
Combining two cancer drugs may be a promising treatment for advanced metastatic breast cancer, according to the results of a clinical trial published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Northwestern Medicine scientists have discovered that a weakened form of a virus can be used to help eliminate cancer in mice.