Feinberg Shares New Research Priorities


This was originally published in August 2022 Breakthroughs.

Generated from the Research Retreat in February, four new research priorities have been identified, including synthetic biology, therapeutic development, social determinants of health and implementation science.

These priorities were developed from hundreds of thoughts and suggestions generated during the retreat. They were recorded and circulated to the executive committee of faculty, who shared the ideas with their departments and offered feedback. Additionally, the sponsor group of the retreat included faculty leaders who shared their insights.

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After this collaborative process, these four research priorities, will guide the Feinberg research enterprise for the next five years, along with the focus areas that include cardiovascular, cancer, neuroscience, transplantation, diabetes, obesity and metabolism, women and children’s health, infection and resistance, and human behavior.

To continue to grow and stand out in a competitive biomedical research landscape, it is important that Feinberg adopts these new strategic priorities to improve human health and contribute to novel research discoveries.

The size of the dots on the chart indicates national reputation, established strength and building opportunity. The bigger the dot appears, the greater Feinberg’s reputation is in this area. Where smaller dots appears, there is more opportunity for growth.