Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society Inducts New Members


Feinberg Students, Residents, Faculty, and Alumni Inducted
into Prestigious Alpha Omega Alpha

Student inductees
Twenty eight FeinbErg medical students were inducted into Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) — solidifying their position at the top of their medical school class.

The Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) medical honor society recently welcomed its newest members at a ceremony hosted by Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Inductees included medical students, residents, and faculty members, as well as an alumna — each selected based on their academic performance or contributions to the medical field.

John P. Flaherty, MD, councilor of the AOA Illinois Gamma Chapter, professor of medicine at Feinberg, and associate chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases, says this year’s inductees include a talented group of students and physicians whose selection into AOA signifies a lasting commitment to scholarship, leadership, professionalism, and service.

“Membership in the society is a lifelong honor that confers recognition for a physician’s dedication to the profession,” Flaherty says. “For medical students, this award can also positively impact their residency placements, as it serves as a clear indicator of their position at the top of their medical school class.”

Samuel Haywood, a fourth-year medical student, shares credit for his success with his mentors at Feinberg. The medical school’s faculty and administration continually strive to develop top-caliber physicians, he says, and while the journey has been a difficult one, this mark of distinction acknowledges the hard work that he has put forth.

“AOA members include a highly distinguished group of physicians, both from Northwestern and nationwide,” says Haywood. “The opportunity to be listed alongside these distinguished physicians is a great honor.”

Along with Haywood, the following 27 undergraduate medical students were inducted into AOA: Leah Abrass, John Boyle, Sarah Clark, Robert Eilers, James Flaherty, Daniel Fuchs, Haley Goucher, Julia Hubert, Jennifer Kaplan, Ashley Keyes, Kathryn Kinner, Sara Kleinschmidt, Jill Larson, Jozef Murar, Claire O’Connell, Megan Pirigyi, Christy Pomeranz, Kavitha Ranganathan, Erika Reid, Lina Rodriguez, Alexander Sandhu, Blayne Sayed, Emily Schwartz, Ami Shah, Lakshmi Sridharan, Tianyi Wang, and Kali Zhou.

Faculty inductees
(From left) John P. Flaherty, MD, councilor of the AOA Illinois Gamma Chapter, William Catalona, MD, professor in the Department of Urology, James J. Paparello, MD, associate professor in the Division of Nephrology/ Hypertension, and J. Larry Jameson, MD, PhD, vice president for medical affairs and Lewis Landsberg Dean, celebrate Catalona and paparello’s induction into AOA.

Three residents — Edward D. Auyang, MD, MS, Jeffrey D. Kennedy, MD, and Clara J. Schroedl, MD — were also inducted, along with two faculty members, William J. Catalona, MD, professor in the Department of Urology, and James J. Paparello, MD, associate professor in the Division of Nephrology/Hypertension.

For Paparello, induction into AOA is a humbling honor and recognition of his efforts during his tenure at Feinberg. He insists that the rewards he receives from working with students, residents, and fellows inspire him to continue to share his enthusiasm for patient care, renal physiology, and medicine.

“I think that one of my strengths as an educator is that I remember well what it was like to be a student; I believe that empathy helps me to work with these learners,” Paparello says. “I would be happy only practicing nephrology, but the interactions with students at an academic institution like Feinberg have provided a cherished and invaluable experience.”

The final inductee, Alan W. Yasko, MD ’84, MBA, a professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery who passed away suddenly in August 2010, was an alum of the medical school. Yasko’s posthumous honor recognized the achievements made during his active life in medicine.

“Dr. Yasko was a distinguished surgeon and a leader in his field,” says Flaherty. “He certainly accomplished a tremendous amount during his career and deserves this honor.”