Family Medicine Grant Aids Underserved
The nearly 130,000 underinsured residents and Medicaid recipients in Lake County, Illinois, will benefit from a $200,000 grant to the Department of Family Medicine at the Feinberg School and Evanston Northwestern Healthcare (ENH), working in conjunction with the Lake County Health Department.
By enabling family medicine residents to complete rotations at the health department and a clinic in Lake County’s Highland Park Hospital (owned by ENH), the grant will make family medicine residents more accessible to the county’s 92,000 underinsured residents and 37,000 Medicaid recipients, many of whom are Hispanic or African American. The three-year grant from the State of Illinois will also help fund social work and interpretation services to lessen cultural and financial obstacles to receiving care.
Says Martin L. Lipsky, MD, chair of family medicine at the Feinberg School, “We know that medical residents whose training includes treating the uninsured or underserved are more likely to continue serving these populations when they complete their education and start their own practices.”