Alumni Weekend Kicks Off April 23


April 19, 2004

Alumni Weekend Kicks Off April 23

Alumni Weekend 2004More than 400 Northwestern medical alumni and their guests are expected at this year’s Alumni Weekend. Slated for April 23–24, the event will highlight all that is new at the Feinberg School of Medicine via presentations, campus tours, and interactive demos. Jeffrey C. Miller, senior executive associate dean and chief operating officer at the Feinberg School, will present a state of the school update, and Gary J. Martin, MD, GME ’82, professor and vice chair of medicine, will moderate a CME session presented by alumni and faculty members.

Alumni will have the oppportunity to catch up with classmates and friends at various events including class dinners and luncheons and the Reunion Ball held Saturday night at a nearby hotel. Tours of Chicago attractions including the Art Institute of Chicago, Field Museum, and Shedd Aquarium & Oceanarium are popular with Alumni Weekend participants.

For more information about Alumni Weekend, call the Office of Alumni Relations at 312/503-8012.