Making Headlines


Making Headlines
Faculty members at the Feinberg School of Medicine and their colleagues in the life sciences at Northwestern University frequently are quoted or featured in national and/or international news stories. Here is a selection of recent media coverage. Links to the original stories are provided but please note that you may be required toregister with the news organization to access them and that they may be expired.

Brain infections linked to lymphoma drug highlight need for oversight: study
Globe and Mail May 29, 2009

A 39-year-old Texan with chronic leukemia suddenly began mixing up his words. Next, he stumbled over basic math equations, and had trouble reading. A biopsy revealed he had a brain infection called progressive multifocal leukoencephalitis (PML) which attacks the brain’s white matter, eating away at it…

They are two of 57 patients on the drug who became ill with PML, reported in a new study by Charles Bennett, a hematologist and oncologist at NORTHWESTERN University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. In 93 per cent of the cases, which took place from 1998 to 2008 in the United States and Europe, the patients died within two months of being diagnosed with PML. The study was published in a recent issue of Blood, a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal.

The full text of most stories can be accessed in the Lexis-Nexis database via the Northwestern network at Stories from major newspaper, wire, television and radio sources can be obtained by selecting “News.” Stories from other media, including local outlets, can be accessed by selecting “Sources” instead of “News.” In both cases, you can search by keywords from the article’s headline. If you are searching by source, you will need to enter the name of the publication in which the article appeared before you enter keywords. Stories that include an html address with the headline can be accessed directly by clicking on the html address.

It is not yet known how the medication is linked to the unusual brain infec-tion, or why certain patients may be more at risk. But the issue raises grave concerns for Dr. Bennett, who specializes in drug safety issues and runs RADAR (Research on Adverse Drug Events and Reports)…