Northwestern, Evanston Northwestern Healthcare to Terminate Affiliation Agreement


Northwestern, Evanston Northwestern Healthcare to Terminate Affiliation Agreement

Dean Jameson’s
letter to the
Feinberg School of
Medicine Community

Northwestern University and Evanston Northwestern Healthcare [ENH] have agreed to terminate the affiliation agreement between Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine and Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, the two institutions leaders announced today (June 16, 2008).

Ending the agreement means that following a one-year transition period, most Northwestern students and residents will be phased out of rotations at the hospitals owned by Evanston Northwestern Healthcare and that most physicians and researchers at those hospitals would no longer be on the faculty of Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine.

The termination of the agreement stems from different visions by Northwestern and ENH regarding future directions for the respective institutions.

“We have appreciated our partnership with Evanston Northwestern Healthcare and we wish it well in its future endeavors,” said Northwestern University President Henry S. Bienen.

The Feinberg School of Medicine will continue to focus its efforts on creating a great academic medical center by strengthening its relationships with its other affiliated hospital and physician partners, including Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Children’s Memorial Hospital, the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago and the Jesse Brown Veterans Administration Medical Center.

“We value our longstanding affiliation with Northwestern University, which created a dynamic environment where the best and brightest clinical and scientific minds came together to collaborate and innovate new discoveries,” said Mark R. Neaman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Evanston Northwestern Healthcare.

“We recognize the importance of medical education and clinical research in support of our patient care mission,” said Neaman. “You can be assured that we will develop a strong academic relationship going forward in support of our steadfast commitment to offer outstanding teaching programs in an academic setting that promotes the clinical teaching and research interests of our physician faculty.”

The phase out of the affiliation between the two institutions will begin June 20, 2008.

MEDIA CONTACT: Alan Cubbage at 847-491-4886 or