Researchers Link Brain Region to Fly Slumber


Contact: Megan Fellman at (847) 491-3115 or at

Researchers Link Brain Region to Fly Slumber

EVANSTON, Ill.—Researchers at Northwestern University have pinpointed a brain area in flies that is crucial to sleep, raising interesting speculation over the purpose of sleep and its possible link with learning and memory.

In a paper published June 8 by the journal Nature, a team led by Ravi Allada, MD, assistant professor of neurobiology and physiology, shows that the so-called mushroom bodies are essential for sleep regulation in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster. (In the same issue, a second study, led by Amita Sehgal, PhD, of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, produced similar results using different methods.)

How the mushroom bodies control sleep is uncertain, but Dr. Allada and colleagues show that if the area is destroyed chemically, flies sleep less.

Mushroom bodies are known to have a role in learning and memory, raising the possibility that sleep and learning are somehow linked in the fly brain. This lends weight to the notion that, in flies, sleep may function to consolidate memories that are formed during the daysomething that is known to occur in vertebrates.

Sleeping flies are similar to sleeping humans. Both are groggy when woken suddenly and need extra slumber if sleep deprived. It’s therefore possible, the authors argue, that a mechanism regulating both sleep and learning could be evolutionarily conserved. So studying the mushroom bodies may help to throw light on the mechanisms governing vertebrate and invertebrate sleep.

In addition to Dr. Allada, other authors on the paper are Jena L. Pitman (co–first author), Jermaine J. McGill, and Kevin P. Keegan, all from Northwestern University.

The research was supported by the National Institutes of Health and by a Burroughs Wellcome Career Award in the Biomedical Sciences.

For a copy of the paper, contact Katie McGoldrick at Nature in Washington at 202/737-2355 or